Supplier: Zodion Ltd

There were 6 payments over 6 quarters totalling £15,965
Period Number Max £ Min £ Avg £ Total £
Q1 2010-11 1 1,153.25 1,153.25 1,153.25 1,153.25
Q2 2010-11 1 2,920.60 2,920.60 2,920.60 2,920.60
Q3 2010-11 1 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00
Q4 2010-11 1 1,741.25 1,741.25 1,741.25 1,741.25
Q1 2011-12 1 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00
Q2 2011-12 1 4,350.00 4,350.00 4,350.00 4,350.00
Totals 6 4,350.00 1,153.25 2,660.85 15,965.10
Q1 2010-11 payments
Date Transaction Expense Type Service Area Amount £
Total 1,153.25
29 Apr 10 5000075383 Pay To Pvte Contract Trans. Stocks St. Light 1,153.25
Q2 2010-11 payments
Date Transaction Expense Type Service Area Amount £
Total 2,920.60
19 Jul 10 5000090830 Pay To Pvte Contract Trans. Stocks St. Light 2,920.60
Q3 2010-11 payments
Date Transaction Expense Type Service Area Amount £
Total 2,900.00
1 Nov 10 5000109966 Order Settlement Trans. Stocks St. Light 2,900.00
Q4 2010-11 payments
Date Transaction Expense Type Service Area Amount £
Total 1,741.25
18 Jan 11 5000121985 Order Settlement Trans. Stocks St. Light 1,741.25
Q1 2011-12 payments
Date Transaction Expense Type Service Area Amount £
Total 2,900.00
12 Apr 11 5000136702 Order Settlement Trans. Stocks St. Light 2,900.00
Q2 2011-12 payments
Date Transaction Expense Type Service Area Amount £
Total 4,350.00
2 Aug 11 5000152543 Order Settlement Trans. Stocks St. Light 4,350.00


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